
“万无一失”,汉语成语,比喻十分稳妥,绝对不会出差错。可以翻译为“guarantee complete success; no risk at all; nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe”等。 例句: 由他掌舵,通过这...

可以翻译为“resort to every conceivable means, employ the meanest of tricks”。 例句: 为了博取上级的欢心,他无所不用其极。 He resorted to every conceivable means to win the ...

draw the line可不是“画一条线”,它的意思是是“绝不做”。I swear a lot, but even I draw the line at saying certain words.我经常说脏话,但即便如此有些话我绝不会说。3. flatte...

2. 我无所谓。 fine with是个超有用的短语,可以译为无所谓、没问题。 Do you care for some drink? Water is fine with me. 要点饮料吗?水就可以了。 3. We all made a pact we'd deny ...

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